Medicomat® 21EE Cold Laser acupuncture machine review


Medicomat 21EE is an electroacupuncture device – a combination of traditional Chinese acupuncture and the modern electronic technology with no penetration into skin. Medicomat 21EE is suitable to use for the traditional acupuncture applications, though a user does not need to know about acupuncture to use Medicomat 21EE.

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Medicomat 21EE provides conductive therapy using pure conductive silver cloth. Silver Ion therapy occurs when the silver fiber knitted into Silver Conductive Garments is warmed by body temperature and massage pulse.

Model: Medicomat® 21EE Cold Laser acupuncture machine

Dimension: 34x24x16 cm

Net Weight: 3.5kg

Application: Electroacupuncture. Conductive therapy. To provide the benefits of traditional Chinese acupuncture with no penetration into the skin by using the modern electronic technology.

Key Features of Medicomat® 21EE Cold Laser acupuncture machine:

  • Two channels for electrotherapy with ear, hand and foot electrodes and 4 silicone gel pads
  • Each channel has 10 modes of massage, e.g. press, knead, vibrate, thump, slimming, waist, shoulder, feet, joint, legs and back
  • Work with electricity or batteries
  • Programmable timer setting
  • LCD demonstration to use this device included
  • Voice treatment guide included

Benefits of Medicomat® 21EE Cold Laser acupuncture machine:

  • Stimulating circulatory system
  • Reduce pain from muscle and nerve
  • Eliminating fatigue
  • Function of lymphatic massage
  • Improve blood circulation and promote metabolism
  • Help to relieve symptomatic intractable pain

What is included with Medicomat® 21EE Cold Laser acupuncture machine?

  • Medicomat® 21EE device device: 1 piece + Small bag × 1 piece, Color box × 1 box, Ear electrode × 4 pairs, Conductive energy socks: 1 pair model: S101 size: 43-46 color: grey + Conductive Gloves: 1 pair model: G101 size: L color: silver grey + Conductive Knee Sleeve: 1 pair model: K102 size: 25X16X19cm color: grey + Conductive Elbow Sleeve: 1 pair model: A101 size: 13X15X20cm color: grey + Conductive Electrode pads × 1 pair + Laser electrode × 1 piece + Laser holder × 1 piece + Hand electrode × 1 pair, Electrode pads × 2 pairs, Massage slippers × 1 pair, Two-pin wire × 2 pieces, Four-pin wire × 1 piece, AC Adapter × 1 piece, Manual × 1 copy

Technical specs for Medicomat® 21EE Cold Laser acupuncture machine:

  • Specified voltage: AC 110v/220v/50Hz
  • Power: =40VA
  • Intermediate frequency pulse frequency: 1-2 KHz
  • Low frequency pulse frequency: 0.1-200 Hz
  • Output Voltage: 50-100 Vp-p
  • Ambient temperature scope: -10-+40°C If used battery, the working range: 4-5V
  • Laser medium: GaAIAs Semiconductor
  • Laser wavelength: 808nm and 650 nm
  • Terminal laser output: 11 laser beams with 808nm and 4 laser beams with 650nm
  • Terminal maximum power output: Probe A is 180mW and Probe B is 775mW
  • Timing setting: 10-60 minutes and 6 grades adjustable

Summary – Medicomat® 21EE Cold Laser acupuncture machine:

The Medicomat® 21EE Cold Laser acupuncture machine (View on Amazon) is an electroacupuncture device – a combination of traditional Chinese acupuncture and the modern electronic technology with no penetration into skin. You get the benefit of traditional Chinese acupuncture without having to know the technique of Chinese acupuncture to use this device. Medicomat® 21EE gives out 10 kinds of special audio frequency pulse which will open blockings in meridian channels in the human body. Medicomat® 21EE device also gives treatment by stimulating the acupuncture points on the ear. The pure conductive sliver cloth is used for conductive therapy and skin care treatment application. Your body temperature and the massage pulse generate warmth to the conductive silver cloth to create the conductive properties. In addition to help diagnosing a wide variety health problems, this device can be used for anti-microbe and anti-bacterial purposes.

Check out our buying guide to choose a cold laser therapy that meets your needs.