How Does Laser Therapy Work for Pain?


Almost everyone suffers from pain at one point or the other. This uncomfortable condition can lead to physical and emotional torture, affecting productivity and healthy living.

Acute or Chronic Pain

Pain can either be chronic or acute.

Acute pain is usually brief and quite easier to treat. Chronic pain on the other hand is a more severe type of pain that lasts for longer, up to months. Most often, acute pain might graduate to chronic pain if not treated as fast as possible.

In the past, Pains have been primarily treated using drugs, injections, and invasive methods of treatment.

However, in recent times, laser therapy has also been proven to relieve pain and inflammation. Although the way it works is not clear, it is a safe method that is approved for the relief of pain by doctors and medical practitioners.

How Does Laser Therapy Work for Pain?

What is Laser Therapy

Laser therapy involves the penetration of low-level light into the body tissues. The light initiates a photochemical reaction within the body cells, which speeds up cell metabolism and cell regeneration.

In other words, the skin absorbs the light and translates it to cellular energy for the relief of pain and inflammation.

How does Laser Treatment Work for Pain?

Laser therapy uses light of a specific wavelength (from 400 nm and above) to penetrate different layers of the skin tissues.

When the body is exposed to light therapy, it is absorbed by the cytochrome C complex in the mitochondria. The mitochondria are otherwise known as the powerhouse of the cell and are responsible for the synthesis of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

The absorbed light triggers a series of physiochemical reactions within the body cells which leads to an increase in the production of ATP and consequently an increase in the rate of cell metabolism, cell regeneration, and blood flow.

Laser therapy can either involve the use of visible or invisible light.

Visible light (red light therapy) works at a wavelength within 400 nm to 750 nm, it usually triggers healing at the surface layer level of the skin. However, invisible light (Infrared light) uses a wavelength above 760 nm to initiate deep skin tissue treatment.

Red laser therapy (visible light therapy) is usually a painless and non-invasive process that does not involve the emission of heat, however, the invisible light might involve heat production alongside the possible risk of after-effects.

Why Laser Therapy?

It is no news that laser therapy is an effective acute pain relief therapy.

Drugs and invasive treatment methods might pose likely risks of side effects, however, laser therapy offers a safe, painless, and non-invasive procedure for reduction and relief of pain and inflammation.

For chronic pain, laser therapy might help to reduce pain and inflammation while speeding up the healing process. It is recommended by medical doctors, pharmacists, and other medical personnel.

Below are some of the therapeutic advantages of laser treatment:

  • Fast treatment time
  • Easy to use
  • A painless and non-invasive process with little or no side effect
  • Customizable treatment method
  • Alleviates pain and inflammation
  • Aids the circulation of blood
  • Speeds up the repair of tissues
  • Fast and long-lasting pain relief
  • Affordable treatment method.

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